Pain Management: What are We Waiting For?
Lets start with the word "pain."
I began this blog to discuss health and wellness, and with the intention to talk about the mentality that surrounds our lifestyle decisions. And yet the word “pain”, that has embodied the profession of chiropractic for so long (no pun intended), is usually one that I do not focus on.
Because pain is not wellness, and neither is being out-of-pain.
Though pain is not a indicator of health, that does not mean that the chiropractor or the healthy individual should disregard it. It is a primary moving force behind our motivation for prevention and the fear behind loss of our lifestyle.
How many of us have had a migraine that we would be open to removing an organ for? Or not being able to lay, sit, and stand because your leg is constantly on fire, and therefore turn religious, praying so hard to get relief beyond the counter full of prescription pain relievers?
If we cannot move, play, or dance with the life that we live, then what is the point? So many of us rationalize pain/stress in different ways:
That I can power through the day with that achy trigger point, don't be a wimp.
That threatening pinch in the low back is cause I sat all day. All I need to do is just lay down when I get home and everything will be okay
That I was told this is due to past football injuries, and have been told I will never be the same, and have to live with it.
You begin to pass the days more and more irritable to those you work with and your family. You stop painting, tossing your kiddo in the air, or playing the guitar because it causes your back to flare up.
Your lifestyle becomes based on your pain or your immobility rather than what causes your life to thrive
Being unable to bend forward to tie your shoes, will also prevent you from bending forward and smelling the flowers.
How much of our life do we let pass by, without investing in our health and taking the time to fix the structural problem?
I understand that chiropractic is not a science empirically supported by the pharmaceutical companies or tested on rats.
Chiropractic allows the body to heal by getting it to move properly, and taking pressure off of our nervous system, allowing the body to heal without adverse side effects. That cannot be measured, and your body and health has the potential to overcome most things to foster the activities you love.
What are you waiting for?
Respect your lifestyle, and invest in your health through prevention and chiropractic care.
As always, from your house call chiropractor, lets heighten your health starting within your home!
- Katherine McCarty, D.C.