Chiropractic Adjustments
Adjustments are a quick, gentle force into the joint to establish proper movement
The adjustment is the art and science behind every chiropractor.
Before any adjustment occurs, a thorough examination is needed to understand what is not moving correctly, or more simply, the primary problem area. These misalignments in the spine will cause swelling and tension, and are often the cause of a pinched nerve.
Once a misalignment is detected, an adjustment will be performed.
Chiropractic Techniques
Dr. McCarty uses different chiropractic adjusting techniques, depending on what you respond to best. Each chiropractic adjustment results in spinal realignment, which improves the motion of your spine and improves your body's ability to function and heal.
It is important to rest after the adjustment for a short period of time to allow the nervous system to “reset” for the greatest benefit.
Diversified (Hands On)
SOT (Blocks)
Activator (Instrument)