A Shift in Medical Mindset
Having a holistic house call practitioner provide you and your family care requires a change in mindset. There are no test tubes, lab coats, or frightening posters of disease progression imposing on our perceptions of health. Instead, the individual within their natural environment is looked at as the focus of study. Your health concerns are evaluated, and your lifestyle becomes the primary goal. It is no longer to get you on a muscle relaxer and out the door - but instead a goal surrounding the activities you love to do with your children, the sports you yearn to play again, and how to create a stronger functioning YOU so that you can rely on yourself for health.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.”
Holistic house calls broadens our minds on how to achieve a preventative lifestyle within the home, and this very shift is what will change healthcare for the better.
As a house call chiropractor, I see every day how taking pressure off of the nervous system improves how the body functions. When people come to me with questions on how chiropractic can help with their X, their Y, or their Z, I firmly believe that their XYZ case could improve even beyond the evidence and the literature out there with a better functioning body.
So what next? Like chiropractic, focus on the central nervous system for change. Step one is to begin shifting your perception and mindset.
I would like to reference the ICPA, as it is an organization that compiles articles supporting the empowerment of healthy individuals. Kelly Brogan is an MD that wrote an article on how to begin creating this shift in mindset.
“We need to go from believing these things:
We are broken.
Fear is an appropriate response to symptoms.
We need chemicals to feel better.
Science knows the definitive answer.
The body is a collection of gears and levers.
To believing these things:
Prevention and disease remission are possible.
Your health is under your control.
Working with lifestyle medicine is an effective way to send the body a signal of safety and to engage vitalism— your body’s natural desire for balance.”
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to helping you understand the height of your own potential,
Dr. Katherine McCarty, D.C.