Origin of The Pinched Nerve

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What is a pinched nerve?

For anyone who has been painfully pinched over the skin behind their arm, you understand a sudden sharp discomfort that will makes you wince, rub the spot where pinched, and then the pain slowly goes away. Having a “pinched nerve” in the spine is a bit more complicated than that, but the reference is still pertinent. It can cause significant pain that comes and goes, as with that sharp pinch on the arm, or it can last for days, months, and even years. The reason nerve pain can become chronic is because the cause of it is not being properly addressed.

Anytime a vertebrae in your spine becomes misaligned, whether it is due to sitting at a computer for several years or a significant, jarring incident such as a car accident, it will cause irritation to the nerve that exits the spine at that level. If not corrected, it can lead to disc issues, acute spasms, chronic nerve pain, osteoarthritis, and altered function of the organs that nerve communicates with.

An irritated nerve, is a pinched nerve.

When a bone is misaligned, it will widen the intervertebral foramen on one side of the spine, where the nerve exits, and tighten the foramen on the opposite side. Each intervertebral foramen has a nerve exiting it, as well as transverse ligaments, blood vessels, and lymphatics. So even the smallest misalignment can cause local irritation, inflammation, and impingement on that nerve’s ability to do its job.

Nerve pain doesn’t have to be a sharp, pinching pain. It can come in the form of burning pain, numbness/tingling, muscle spasm, muscular compensations, tightness, and throbbing pressure.

Chiropractic Can Help

Chiropractic focuses on correcting misalignments that are the cause of your symptoms. This is done through gentle adjustments into the vertebrae that is not moving properly, and therefore relieving pressure on the nerve. Through Chiropractic adjustments, you can address the cause a “pinched nerve” by ensuring proper motion of the spine and reducing restriction and irritation.

This is one way to heighten your health potential, and get back to the lifestyle you love!

Dr. Katherine McCarty, D.C.