Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care


I would like to start off by saying welcome to The Heights Chiropractic blog site! This blog is intended to create comprehension behind the Holistic Healthcare movement, and enhance what we know about chiropractic, but more importantly, understand what we don’t know about chiropractic. I think I can speak for many, when I say the former is the present mindset around the profession, even in today’s world where alternative medicine is on the rise.

Growing families are more surprised by chiropractic benefits than most other individuals, as they have not yet had the opportunity to understand why they would need it.

In general, many individuals sit daily at work, contributing to the poor posture and hunched-over-tablets syndrome that is sweeping our society. That alone puts physical stress on joints and pressure on organs, creating postural disbalance, getting bones stuck in their misalignments, and leading to circulatory and neurological issues.

Now lets add to this picture, a pregnant woman, whose body is changing as it prepares for the upcoming months. The ligaments become more loose, and more weight and pressure is put on their spine. As the womb grows, ligaments that attach to the uterus are now pulling at the sacrum, where they originate. The sacrum sits right at the base of the spine, an area that most pregnant women point out to be the location of their pain.

Why then, would it be important to get checked by a chiropractor?

  • Proper pelvic alignment

The sacrum helps create the pelvic complex. If there is a misalignment in the pelvis, this absolutely will affect how the joints move under new stresses and will also contribute to the shape of the womb. If the sacrum pulls at the uterine walls, it can create less-than-optimal room for the baby to move around in.

Many women have seen incredible results when their breeched baby moves into proper positioning, all because the baby now has the proper environment to move around in.

Not only a decrease in labor time, but also less painful contractions.

So many pregnant women peg the fact that they are pregnant as the sole cause of their discomfort. Getting adjusted will help your body deal with the changes it is going through, and for many, will alleviate stress and pressure within your joints and nervous system.

  • Healthier nervous systems for mom and baby

Yes! This isn’t just for the moms - its a healthier option for the baby as well!

Your spine houses the most important functioning organ of your body, and that is the nervous system. The one thing in your body that cannot be replaced. Proper alignment equals a healthier nervous system, which is the control center for the development of the fetus.

While these are just a few, incredibly important reasons for growing families to get checked by a chiropractor, I hope they have arisen many questions that you can call/email me in regards to. The most important thing a chiropractor can do for you, is to assist your body in its own ability to heal and function without intervention.

Thank you for reading, and I encourage you to inquire further to how you can Heighten Your Potential!

Dr. Katherine McCarty D.C.